Pre K and Kindergarten Curriculum

This is an interactive yearly Pre K and Kindergarten Curriculum with 35 themes. I have put together all the lesson plans, printable Math, Phonics and Literacy resources and Science, STEM, Art & Cooking ideas in one easy to use document. Simply download the PDF, click on the images to go directly to the resources, download and print. I have also included the blog post that goes with each week’s theme, as well as the learning outcomes.



Phonics are taught in three stages: Letter Sounds, CVC Words and Sight Words. In my class, with learners between the ages of 3 and 5, we focus on Letter Sounds in the first semester. The second semester we spend on learning all about CVC Word Families & Sight Words.

However, there are more than enough resources in this printable to focus on Letter Sounds for a year and then on the CVC words and Sight Words in the next year.

Click on the images below to have a look at all the Phonics resources included in the interactive curriculum.

Monster themed classroom decor and management

Some fun Monster Themed Classroom Decor!


These topics will keep your little thinkers engaged while learning in a hands-on and fun way.

Click on each image to head over to the blog posts to see how I taught the concepts in my class.

Each weeks activities include Phonics, Math, Literacy plans and printable resources, as well as Fine-Motor, STEM, Science, Art & Cooking ideas and printables. It is entirely up to you as a teacher to decide which activities would best suit your children’s needs.

What the file you will download looks like:

In the file you will find links to all the downloadable phonics resources as well as the classroom decor and management posters. I have grouped the topics into monthly themes, which will help you plan your year ahead. Each week has links to the lesson plan, resources and blog post for that topic.

1: All About Me

2: the 5 senses

3: community helpers

4: holidays

5: transportation

6: animals

7: Creepy Crawlies/ insects

8: Nature

9: dinosaurs, space and pirates

10: Wrap-up and Assessment

Happy Teaching!!

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