Pirate Themed Treasure Hunt

The Pirates Themed Activities were a lot of fun and the kids had a blast! They loved making Pirate Hats and Telescopes, Sorting coins and making patterns with these, going on a treasure hunt and making their very own Pirate story up and putting this in a big class book. The Pirate Themed Treasure Hunt is great for developing your young learners’ speaking and comprehension skills.

Pirate Themed Treasure Hunt

What you need:

  • Treasure Hunt Cards (torn or burnt at the sides to make it look older)
  • Pirate hats and telescopes
  • A cardboard box wrapped in golden paper
  • Candy to put in the box

Pirate Themed Activities

How to complete the activity:

Print out the cards, roll up and tie with string. Hide it in all the correct places. Wrap a cardboard box up in brown paper and fill with chocolate gold coins and other small pirate themed toys. Pretend to find the first card and start the treasure hunt! Children can wear their pirate hats.

Click on the images below to download the Pirates Themed Math & Literacy Centers for the week.

Pirate Themed Activities

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