I Like Myself mirror Craft

If you are looking for an engaging activity to kick the All About Me theme off, this “I Like Myself Mirror Craft’ might be just the thing you need. It’s a great way to get the kids to talk about why they like themselves and to notice that even though we all look different, we all are the same inside.

Mirror Craft Activity

What you need:

Let’s do this!

First of all, click on the image below to download the free mirror craft template.

Copy the template onto white paper and cut out beforehand.

Step 1: Cut out mirror craft templates

Now cut mirror templates out of cardboard or sturdy paper. Something along the lines of the image below. One per child.

Step 2: Cut out cardboard mirror template

Next, read the story ‘I like myself’ by Karen Beaumont or watch the read-aloud on YouTube.

Talk about the story and ask all the children what they like about themselves. It’s time to start the activity!

Children paint the cardboard mirror templates (we used white, but you can use and color)

Step 3: Paint the cardboard mirror templates

While these dry, give each child a square piece of aluminum foil and show them how to paste it onto the mirror craft template, then to fold the top over and to stick this too.

Children draw patterns on the mirror craft template and color these using markers, crayons or coloring pencils. When they are done, they use glitter/ sequins to decorate the mirror. Once all of these are done, stick the decorated mirrors onto the painted cardboard backs and stick colorful feathers anywhere the children want them using sticky tape.

The Activity is now completed!

For some hands-on Math, Literacy, Science, STEM, Phonics, Cooking & Art Printables and Activities for the first week of school, click on the image below to download.

And for a Free Lesson Plan, head over here.


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