If you are looking for some engaging Body Parts Math & Literacy Printable Centers, you have come to the right place! These 2 activities are great for developing fine motor skills and word recognition.
Activity 1: Label the Teacher
For this activity we sang ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’. I then showed the children the body parts word cards and they named the pictures.
After that the children ‘labelled’ me by sticking the word cards onto my different body parts using sticky tape. They all loved this part.
When they were done, I asked a volunteer to lie down on a big sheet of white paper and I traced around their body outline. The children worked together to color the body template, we put it up on the wall, and they labelled the body parts.
Activity 2: Body Parts Cut-and-Paste
After the children labelled the body parts on the body outline, the teacher hands out the above activity sheet and asks the children to cut out the words. The teacher draws a picture of a body on the board. Talk about the beginning and ending sounds of all the body parts words. Write the words next to the body parts and ask the children to find theirs and to paste it next to the correct body parts on the activity sheets.