Insects Themed Activities

The Insects Themed Activities were a lot of fun and the kids had a blast! They loved making fly masks, learning about the different body parts of an insect, eating bug crackers and taking part in lots of fun and engaging Math & Literacy Centers.

Insects Themed Activities

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables
Click on the image to download the free lesson plan

Creative Space

Play dough, stamps, scissors, lacing beads and cards, puzzles and blocks are set out for the children to choose from, and get creative during this 30 minute period.

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables

Insects Themed Circle Time

Every day during Circle Time we do the morning routine, which includes the Calendar and ‘Number, Color, Shape and Letter of the week’. We then read a story, sing a few songs and do a group activity.

On every Monday we change the ‘Classroom Helpers’ Classroom Jobs. Each child has a name card on a popsicle stick, and they get to choose their job of the week.

Insects Themed Circle Time Activities

Activity 1: Weekend News

Every Monday morning each child gets a chance to talk about their weekend and what they did. The children then draw a picture in the ‘weekend news’ journal, and the teacher writes down what they have said.

Activity 2: Movement Cards

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables
Click on the image to download the pictograph.

Talk about all the different ways in which insects move and how they move. Show the children the movement cards and ask them to act it out.

Activity 3: I Have/ Who Has Cards

Download the cards here. Hand out all the cards. Place the first card in the middle of the circle. The child that has the next card place it on top while saying “I have the (cricket), Who has the (bee)?’ Continue until no one has any cards left.

Activity 4: Hidden Insects

Activity 5: 10 Interesting Insects

Insects Themed Songs

Sixteen action songs and rhymes all about Insects to get those bodies moving and grooving. Click on the image to head over to the post.

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables

Insects Themed Books

Twenty-six of the best story picture books that are perfect for a theme all about Insects. Click on the image below to read what these books are about.

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables

Insects Themed Literacy Activities

Activity 1: The Very Quiet Cricket Class Book

Download the class book here. Ask the children when they are very quiet. For example, when reading etc. Each child says what activities they do in silence. Hand out the activity sheets. Children draw which activities they do in silence. The teacher writes what they drew underneath the picture. When they are done, put the pages together and assemble the class book. Read the book back to the children.

Activity 2: Write the Room

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables
Click on the image to download the center.

Cut out the word cards and laminate. Laminate the Write the Room sheets. Hide the word cards around the room. Children find the cards and write the correct word next to each picture.

Activity 3: Fun Fact Sensory Bin

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables
Click on the image to download the fun facts.

Cut out the ‘fun facts’ cards and laminate. Cut out pictures and laminate or paint insects on rocks. Put pictures in sensory bin. Children look for pictures and match with fun facts cards. Teacher reads cards.

Insects Themed Math Activities

Center 1: Measuring cards

Click on the images below to download the center.

Children use cubes to measure the bugs and then write the correct number in the space provided.

Center 2: Roll it, Show it, Write it Center

Download the center here. Cut out the little insects and laminate. Laminate ‘Roll it, show it, write it’ cards. Roll dice and write 1st amount in block. Place that many insects on flower. Roll dice again. Write down amount and place tat many insects on flower. Count how many insects are on the flower and do the addition sum at the bottom.

Center 3: Build a Bug

Laminate ‘Build a Bug’ cards. Use play dough and the objects on the card to build bug.

Insects Themed Art

Insects Themed Activities
Click on the image for detailed instructions

I found this activity over at You will need egg cartons, pipe cleaners, sequins, elastic, glue, scissors and a stapler. Click on the image to head over to their blog for full instructions.

Insects Themed Science

Print out the the three sheets. Children cut out the insects parts and paste it onto the ‘Parts of an Insect’ sheet. Cut out the labels and paste it next to the correct body part, while emphasizing the beginning and ending sounds.

Insects Themed Snack Idea

I found the idea for these Apple Ladybug Snacks over at You will need tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, pretzel sticks and round crackers.. Put these all together as seen in the picture, and enjoy!

The Very Quiet Cricket Activities & Printables
Click on the image to head over to the blog.

Click on the images below to download the Insects Themed Math & Literacy Centers, Printables and Activities.

That’s it for this week. I hope you and your kiddos enjoyed all the activities and that we will see you back next week.

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