Water Transportation Memory Game

Water Transportation is always a favorite topic, especially with the boys! The Water Transportation Memory Game will develop your young learners’ memory and speaking skills as well as improve their vocabulary.

Water Transportation Memory Game

Water Transportation Themed Activities
Click on the image to download the circle time activity

What you need:

  • The picture cards laminated and cut out (glue dark construction paper on the back of the cards before you laminate it)
  • A flat surface

How to complete the activity:

Shuffle the cards and lay them on the table, face down, in rows. Play in a clockwise direction. On each turn, a player turns over any two cards (one at a time) and keeps them if the cards match.

If they successfully match a pair, they get to keep the cards, and that player gets another turn. When a player turns over two cards that do not match, those cards are turned face down again (in the same position) and it becomes the next player’s turn. The trick is to remember which cards are where. The person with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.

Water Transportation Themed Activities
Click on the image to download the printable

Click on the images below to download the Land Transportation Themed Math & Literacy Centers, Printables and Activities.

Click on the image below to download the a whole week of Water Transportation Themed Math & Literacy Centers, Printables and Activities.

Water Transportation Themed Activities

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